Contact Us

Main Office: Mon-Fri 9:00-3:30, Closed for lunch 12:00-12:30  (989) 739-5441

  • Sam Huhn

    Senior Pastor

    Sam and Ashley came to us in December 2023. He and Ashley have two sons: Wyatt and Emmett and moved here from Hamtramck, MI. He comes to Oscoda with great ministry experience and enthusiasm after serving in pastoral ministry in the Hamtramck area of Detroit since 2016. While he was there, he performed a variety of tasks, including teaching young adults, learning Arabic, directing outreach events, and preaching Biblical messages weekly. He is prayerful and excited to serve Christ, His church, and the community in Oscoda.

  • Chris Olson

    Associate Pastor

    Chris and Abbie came to us in July 2016. He and Abbie have three children: Naomi, Levi and Joanna and moved here from Chicago, IL.  A graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary, along with a varied ministry experience, Pastor Chris leads in the areas of Youth, Young Adults and Music.

    Contact Pastor Chris Olson