our mission

Who are we at Oscoda Baptist Church? 

We are a local community of believers in Jesus Christ who consider the Bible to be our authority for life and practice. We are part of Converge, Worldwide and Converge MidAmerica sharing a common faith and commitment. We are all members together in the Body of Christ.

The Mission of Oscoda Baptist Church is to tell as many people as possible about Jesus Christ. We know that means living what we believe. The church becomes our training ground where we help each other.


Together we are:

Friends Following Jesus

what are we all about?

What are we all about at Oscoda Baptist Church? We are all about worshipping our God. That means, in everything we do, we worship Him, at home, school, the workplace and in our meetings together. We understand that worship is ultimately serving God in spirit and in truth. Forms and preferences take a back seat to Biblical authority and meaningful communications.